Ok, I'm one of those people that can't let things go. As you may recall… last week we were having problems with our Macbook. I was not a
happy camper! Anyhoo, things have not been fixed 100%, but we were able to buy a new cord, find my missing photos, and grab a few from our friend's Derek and Karen! Woo Hoo! So the cord issue was slightly embarrassing, we aren't exactly gentle with our stuff, hence the busted wire, so the Apple technician was quite amused by our cord bandaged every which way but loose with electrical tape. Very professional! Anyhoo! I felt this park warranted some picture time!
Ok! Let's start off with a little Mr. Pinto MacBean the official mascot of Bow Island Alberta! Bow Island is well known for its dry edible bean industry! Who knew? And since we have been eating a whole lot of beans and rice on this journey, we thought it only right that we pay him our respects and pop in on our way to Waterton Lakes!
Can't you just hear the Littlest Hobo music? That's Mango and her new bud Kona! |
A view of Waterton Springs Campground, our digs for a couple nights! |
Campground grub! |
Amazing how the prairies and mountains meet. What a view! |
Bertha Falls |
If I had realized Mango was standing so precariously on the edge, I may have looked a little more panicked! What a dare devil! |
A delicious picnic after our hike up to the falls! |
Moving along from the hike… We visited the historic Prince of Wales Hotel. Constructed by Great Northern Railway between 1926 and 1927. It was built to try and persuade the visiting Prince of Wales to come and stay…. Instead he overnighted at a nearby ranch. What a snub!
And of course… who can resist a few photo opportunities at the hotel's cliff edge? While sipping tea in the hotel this is your view… plus a few tourists thrown in!
Alex and Val doing their Cirque routine! |
Karen and Grizzly Adams, aka Derek! |
The T@bers! |
Ok, I promise I'm landing this post of "Have T@b will Travel" very soon! This is what happens when you let to much time slip by… and your computer is vintage!
Finally we visited Red Rock Canyon which is located inside the National Park.
Thanks for this shot Derek! Love that funky camera! |
I found this pretty interesting! |
You might find this hard to believe, but this was pretty much our first large size wild animal encounter! You would think we would have seen all sorts of animals on our journey. Mainly Moose! Unfortunately or fortunately? We saw hide nor hair! |
All righty! I will bring you up to speed tomorrow… Where are those T@bers now?!
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