Saturday, June 21, 2014

A scenic drive back to Marvao

We decided to take a different route home to Marvao and found ourselves winding our way through the beautiful countryside, sometimes the only car for miles. It was surreal! Driving over rivers, under old oaks, past wineries, ancient castles, and even gypsies with their horse and carts! Unfortunately I won't show you that picture. It includes myself getting the middle finger from one of the young occupants of the cart! Ahhh, so sweet! Anyhoo! The more we experience Portugal the more we love it! If only the Schengen rules would allow us to stay longer than 3 months. Until then, we still have over a month to enjoy this amazing part of the world! Here are some quick pics of our drive back to the rolling hills of Alentejo!

The beautiful white sands and blue water of Altura Beach!

Megalithic monuments are found all over Portugal! 
Menires do Lavajo a megalithic structure
Vascao River
The bridge of Mertola 
Mertola was under Islamic rule for more than 500 years, and is the sight of Portugal's only surviving medieval mosque. So cool!
Break time in the park! Yum!
These White Storks build their nests everywhere! We've also spotted them on top of chimneys!
Distant neighbours!
Wow! We had to pull over to snap this!
Just outside of Evora

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