Headed over to the Florida State Fairgrounds yesterday and checked out the RV
Supershow! Dogs were allowed so it was a family affair! It probably wasn't the smartest idea for two people travelling around in the smallest trailer known to man to go check out the latest and greatest in the recreational vehicle world, but we couldn't resist! Every type of trailer, motor home and camper was there, from some of our dream vehicles we mentioned in an earlier post, Prevost, Dynamax, Airstream, and even our little home on wheels T@b! Here are a few photos from our day, and for those of you interested, the Prevosts ranged from a mere 2.3 million… just in case you have a little spare cash laying around!
The Dynamx above and the two photos below was one of our favourites. It was somewhere in the ball park of $350,000 (Please send money) |
This guy cracked us up. He was full of one liners. One of my favourites, and slightly x-rated folks.. "Hey lady! Stop staring at my bush!" LOL! |
We have never, ever seen so many dogs in strollers in our life. It was really bizarre. Don't dogs walk anymore? |
This Teddy Roosevelt was great! We saw him a few times, he would actually comment on how happy he was whenever he saw a dog walking and not in a stroller! LOL! |
Not to flashy. I had a look inside of the 2.3 million dollar one. Pretty impressive. Besides the no shoes, food or drink rule, they wouldn't allow me to take pictures. So I will leave it up to your imaginations! |
This was pretty impressive, but not sure how I would feel about this driving up behind us on a dark night! Pretty intimidating! Check out it's patio below! Crazy!
My all time favourite, the Airstream!
Of course our little T@b, which apparently are selling like hotcakes! Sold out till March!
To finish off today's post… a couple of oldies, but goodies!
Wow, hardwood floors?!?! Ahahaha, who knew!