I'm embarrassed to say we had no idea that New Brunswick had such a large Francophone population! 33% to be exact, with an Acadian origin. Truth number 2... I had no clue as to what Acadian meant until we visited New Orleans a few years back and received an education on the Acadian/Cajun connection! Briefly, the Acadians are descendants from France who were expelled in the 1700's when they refused to take an allegiance to King George III! And I complained about Canada not having enough history during our trip to Portugal! Ok, enough of the history lesson! We had a great time in NB! When we drove through the province in early April we were not impressed.... Sorry New Brunswick! But it was cold, and gray with a few feet of dirty snow piled high on either side of the road... Needless to say we didn't slow down to have a second look! This time round we were super impressed! It's so green! Rivers run everywhere along the Appalachian Mountains! It really is beautiful! Along with the total absence of traffic, crowds, and noisy cities, we were super impressed! We stayed 4 days at a nearly empty campground, and it's July! We had trees, lakes and rivers surrounding us. It was fantastic! We also took the hour and a half drive to the Bay of Fundy. Unfortunately or fortunately the fog rolled in... Not the greatest weather but we captured some stunning photos! We also visited Saint John's, which again was a quaint historic city. While the car was parked for 2 hours we wandered around the town ducking in and out of shops and snapping photos (big surprise!) Returning only to have a man run out of a restaurant and tell us a van had reversed into our car and took off... But not to worry, they wrote down the license plate number! Ok, maybe we have been on a Portuguese farm to long with not much human contact, but we thought that was pretty nice! Anyhoo! We had an exceptional time in NB and would recommend it to anyone.... During the summer months that is! Here is a mish mash of Nouveau Brunswick pictures!
The "Reversing Falls", where the river runs through the gorge before emptying into the Bay of Fundy. This was "Slack Tide". Apparently not much going on we were told, but still looked very turbulent to us! The birds would start surfing from the top of the current catching fish on the way down, only to fly out and start all over again! |
Peek-a-boo! Nice leggings! |
Remember I said "stunning" photos? Ok, maybe not so much. That said, here is a look at a portion of the Bay of Fundy! Which by the way we learned is a Portuguese word meaning deep! Crazy right?! |
The city of Saint John and some of it's locals! |
We happened across the "Longest Covered Bridge in the World" on our quest for the "Covered Bridge" Potato chips below! LOL! Lobster flavoured! Who knew! |
Another NB covered bridge in the town of Florenceville |
My kind of town!! |
I have no shame! |
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