Friday, December 20, 2013

LBJ Ranch

On our way back from Fritztown we took a slight detour and pulled into the LBJ Ranch, also known as the "Texas White House". A United States Historical Park. The birthplace, home, and final resting place of Linden B. Johnson, the 36th president of the United States. Lady Bird Johnson (LBJ's wife) donated the ranch to the National Park Service after her husbands death, but retained lifetime rights to use the house until her death in 2007. After the presidents death Lady Bird decided to redecorate the home. She put everything in storage and had the home refurnished. After her death everything was pulled out of storage and the home was put back to the original 1960's condition. She kept everything!! Unfortunately we were unable to take photos inside the home, but trust me it was 60's chic, down to every last nick nack! Here are some photos we took from the outside!

Below is the original Corvette which the President and his wife gave to their daughter on her 18th birthday! Lucky girl!

All guests to the Texas White House signed a cement pad which are displayed in the garden. Among many are JFK, Billy Graham, Mary Rockefeller and a few Hollywood stars!

To this day the land is still maintained as a productive Hereford Cattle Ranch.

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